Dispatches from the Journey

6 01 2011

For those who do not know, I am relocating to Southern California from Columbus, Ohio.  Currently as I write, I am in a motel room in Santa Rosa, New Mexico.  I have traveled through Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas.  I will probably get to California today, but first I have to go through New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada.

This is the fourth day of my journey.  I am going to California because I know longer have a job in Columbus, and need help from family to get back on my feet.  The funny thing is that I was just musing about living in California.  I was thinking that I could be closer to my aging parents who both live out there (the are divorced, she lives in the Bay are, and he lives in Southern California). I could also help my sister and her family raise my nephew Matthew (his was killed two years ago this past New Year’s Day).  Plus, I would get my three daughters: Rebecca, Sojourner, and Jordan for a longer stretch of time when they visit. Ironically, I will actually see them more by relocating to California.

I do feel that I am on a journey, both literally and figuratively.  This is a journey that I did not choose, but I guess chose me, for reasons I simply do know.